Fauci : Coronavirus Second Wave ‘Is Not Inevitable'
Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White
House Corona Virus Task Force, said Wednesday that a second wave of Corona virus infections is "not inevitable," but stressed that people need to work together to control and prevent the disease. Guidelines should be followed to prevent the spread of this contamination.
The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci, was asked by CNN's Jim Suito if Americans should be trusted by the government regarding infectious diseases.
"It's getting better and better," Fauci said. "I feel better about it as the weeks go by, and we see that we're getting more and more capable of testing. The CDC is helping a lot of the workforce to identify, separate Help us with isolation and contact tracking types. I feel better and better that we are capable of doing so.